2010 was a great year...
my hair has finally grown in thank you so much Dr. Crawford :)
my confidence (compared to the year before that definitely) was boosted
I was able to take an amazing trip to California :) thanks to my cousins <3
became closer with a lot more people, met some people at the end of the year, who may or may not have been nice to me...the truth is I had a lot of dreams about them haha.
I was also able to buy a prom dress :) its really simple but at least it fits and I didn't spend that much money on it, unlike a lot of other people I know.

 started school which may have not been the best, school sucks...trying to get far in life sucks...I have to sleep early later because I'm taking HSPA's tomorrow :( good luck to me..
I would like to say that I have grown more mature but self evaluation was never my thing...I'm more of a person who is constantly in denial, or if I really want to make my self feel better, a girl just doing things that seem right at certain moments. I'm still scared of a lot of things though, the greatest fear being rejection, in all aspects of life...friendships, school, and family relations.
I realized today that I don't really like to go to family parties because I fear the feeling of being left out. It's really my fault, for being left out, maybe if I had just gone to family parties more, people would be forced to talk to me? perhaps that is the solution, but there are always two sides with everything. I don't want to hurt myself when I find out they don't want to put the same kind of effort I will to feel the feeling of being in a family where no one is left out... colleges have started sending everyone letters, emails, and SATs are fast approaching,


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